Cancellation and refund policy

Cancellation and refund policy

Experience the ultimate luxury at Solan's finest holiday home! Before your stay, kindly review the following guidelines:

Check-in and Check-out Rules:

  • Check-in time is 2:00 PM. To ensure smooth coordination, please provide your estimated arrival time in advance.
  • We make available well trained chef at an additional charge of Rs 2500 per day. All the ration and vegetables would be charged as per the bill from the vendor. (Or the guest can bring along the consumables).
  • Order for the entire day (lunch, snacks, and dinner) should be placed 1 day prior check-in and for the following days on the check-in day with minor modifications allowed.
  • Check-out time is 11:00 AM. We kindly request all guests to vacate the premises by this time.
  • Any damage incurred during your stay will be the responsibility of the guest.

Additional Regulations:

  • Pets are not permitted on the property.
  • There is a 50 mtrs walk from the parking to the cottage out of which a few steps would be through a construction site.
  • Our Company follows a strict “NO DRUGS” policy. Illegal substances and firearms are not permitted inside the property.
  • Smoking is only allowed outside the premises.
  • We kindly ask guests to refrain from creating noise outside the property after 10:00 PM.
  • The full balance amount is due and payable at the time of booking.
  • We do not provide separate accommodations for drivers or maids.
  • Please take care of your belongings.

Please note that dinner will be served until 10:00 PM, after which the staff will conclude their duties for the day. If you wish to eat post 10:00, food would be available in kitchen and you would have to self serve.

Cancellation policy :-

  • Any cancellation done 2 weeks before the actual date , will be refunded fully.
  • Cancellation made within 2 weeks of the actual date will have a 30% retention.
  • Cancellation made between 2 weeks and 48 hours of check in will be subjected to 50% retention.
  • Less than 48 hours will have 100% retention.
Please note that the refund process would take 5-7 working days to process.

We look forward to host you and give you an awestruck experience.
Best regards,
Beds and Company